Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kylo Ren Cracks My Back Using the Force

Okay, so that might be a bit sensationalist. I had a dream where I went to the chiropractor and the chiropractor happened to be Adam Driver. He wasn't in his Kylo Ren get up, but he did do my adjustment using the Force (quite comfortable way to have it done, by the way). He was actually really nice and when it came time to leave, he even helped me carry my luggage to my car. I had stopped to get an adjustment before going home to visit my parents and hadn't wanted to leave anything worth stealing in the car. Going into the office, I was able to carry everything with little problem, but when it came time to leave, my things had multiplied and become impossible for me to carry it all. And Adam didn't seem to think it was strange, either that or he was way too nice to say anything. Haha!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Colbert Gives the Cold Shoulder

Last night before bed I watched an episode of "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee". It's a 20 minute show in which Jerry Seinfeld takes a comedian to coffee in a classic car. The cars are drool-worthy - a 1964 Morgan (the frames are made of ash wood!) and 1963 Corvette (the very kind that U. S. astronauts drove) for just a taste. The coffee looks delicious and the conversation is fun and interesting.

The comedian in the episode I watched last night was Stephen Colbert and so, of course, I had a dream with him in it, but considering how sexy he was looking in the episode with his silver beard and wavy hair, it wasn't as pleasant as I would have guessed.

In the dream, I was at an event where Stephen was going to sign canvas bags that were for sale at the event. The line was long and a couple of my friends were way ahead of where I was. I could see people walking away from the table holding veritable works of art; he was drawing little cartoons and pictures before signing his name. Somehow I was both at the end of the line and able to see over his shoulder as he worked. He wasn't very chatty with people, but you could tell he took pleasure in giving people something worth keeping. When I was nearing the front of the line, someone approached me with a saxophone that needed fixing. I got really excited and was jabbering away about how special the saxophone was, because it was a really unique, expensive one. Well, Stephen must not have liked the commotion because when I got to the front and it was my turn to have my bag signed, he asked me what the big deal was and when I told him that I was a repair person he didn't seem very impressed. He ended up drawing a small box near where the handle is sewn in and printing the words "bound to fail" inside of it. He didn't sign it and was very dismissive.

I showed what he had drawn to my friends and they didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Of course, I was unhappy because out of my friends, I was the only one who was a big fan. They didn't even really watch his shows.


I suppose I can tell where this comes from; it's a combination of having watched the show before bed and that Cary Elwes will be at an event signing books later this month and he will only sign books bought at the event.

Regardless of the dream, I still am a fan of Stephen and I think he is probably nothing like my dream.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The N'Sync of Japan goes on a U.S. Tour

Well, it's been a long time, hasn't it? I've had celebrity dreams since my last entry, but I mostly had them while traveling and you know how quickly dreams leave memory. But last night I finally had a really memorable dream and now I have time to write about it.

Okay, some background information. In Japan, boy bands are still quite popular, even with women and older ladies. Much like the boy bands in the U.S. and Europe, these bands are put together by an agency and they don't actually play anything - they sing, dance and are easy on the eyes. One of the most popular boy bands of all time in Japan is Arashi (嵐). Arashi has 5 members: Satoshi Ohno, Sakurai Sho, Matsumoto Jun, Masaki Aiba and Ninomiya Kazunari. When I lived in Japan, I was an official member of their fanclub and even won the ticket lottery once to see them live in Sapporo Dome.

There is a lot of gear that goes with going to a boy band concert in Japan (or, really, even any pop star or group). Typical fan gear that you can buy at the venue may include uchiwa (non-folding handheld fan) with members' faces on them, bath towels, key rings, pencils, pens, custom light sticks, t-shirts. You name it, really.

These concerts (especially for the really big groups) tend to have a lot of fanfare - acrobatics, tricks, numerous costume changes, audience interaction and fireworks/light shows.

Armed with this knowledge, hopefully this dream won't completely confuse you -- though, to be fair, it is a dream and it IS weird.

Starts out that I am going to an Arashi concert in the U.S. with my friend, Nailz. Even though I feel like I'm "over" Japanese boy bands, I couldn't miss this opportunity to see them one last time. I promise Nailz and myself that I won't spend a lot on merchandise. Somehow, even though after much mental debate, I decide to only get the MatsuJun uchiwa and the group poster, I end up with four shopping bags full.

When it's time to find out seats, we know they'll be in the upper balcony, so we start hiking it up to the nosebleeds, bags of merchandise and all. At the third level balcony, Nailz starts looking for our seats, but I keep going. This isn't my first rodeo and I know that this show always begins with juniors (junior members of the talent agency who haven't debuted yet) will be dancing up at the very top and make their way down the aisles. It's my habit in these dreams to always be at the very top of the seating so that I can see the whole spectacle close-up and what is going on on the stage.

As predicted, the juniors come out with confetti and lots of lights. They dance down the aisles to the lower levels. This is when I decide that I need to use the bathroom. I start unbuckling my belt on the way because suddenly I have to go really badly, but when I get to the doorway, I just as suddenly don't have to go anymore. Could be because I heard the members entering the stage. I hurry back in, forgetting to buckle and zip up my jeans.

By this time, Nailz has found her way up to the top and is shaking her head about my disarray. I tell her that the top is really the best place to see the whole show. We sit down on slanting cement floor where you would think there would be seats. We're enjoying the show when a spotlight flashes past us and up to a few feet behind us and there is Aiba and Nino singing away.

As usual with these dreams, I am (of course) friends with "the guys". They give me a look to say hello and keep singing - which is good because at some point in the past so many minutes, without remembering it, I had started to change into a merchandise t-shirt and gotten disrupted. I am sitting there without a shirt on. No bra, either. Last thing I remember is crossing my arms so that I could hide my boobs.


Odd thing is that usually when I'm topless in a dream, I don't really care. Ha!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Script ideas for Castle and the result of watching The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

It seems that my celebrity dreams go in spurts. The night after the dream with Matt Damon, I had a dream that I gave a script/plot idea to Nathan Fillion. I was at the VA hospital for some type of check up and I had (for some reason) brought two of my friends with me. One friend is a real life friend and the other one was some random person I don't think I've ever met. Anyway, we waited in the waiting room for what seemed like forever. My name was finally called and the nurse at the reception desk handed me two pieces of mail. I guess this is what I had come there for and I opened up the top letter. It was a chain letter.  (Do you remember those? When you'd get one in the U.S. mail and then copy it out 10 times and send it even to people you hardly knew just so you could get all 10 copies mailed and not be cursed to never be kissed?? Man, maybe that's why my love life is always so dead - ha!)

I found it funny to have gotten a chain letter in this day and age, and I addressed everyone in the waiting room by laughing and then asking the general room if they remembered them. (Hm. I see a pattern here - haha!) Anyway, that's when I noticed that a very chubby Nathan Fillion was in the waiting room reading a paper. Even though he was chubby, I still thought he was handsome. I decided to casually suggest that a chain letter could be a plot device in a future episode of Castle. He actually thought that would be really cool.

The rest of the dream was very strange. My friends were mad to have spent 5 hours waiting for me to be done at the VA and then when we went out to the car, it had snowed and this hot model guy (who, in my dream but not in real life, was famous). He had a crappy, little rusted out car that he thought was really cool. My friend used her sleeve to wipe off his entire car. It was one of those little Italian things, so it didn't take much.

The next dream will not be described for modesty's sake, but I will just say that I had a very pleasant dream featuring Armie Hammer after seeing The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Eh heh heh. He is extremely easy on the eyes, that one.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

How about them apples?

Bonus points to the person who can name the movie! (Psyche! There are no bonus points on a blog...)

Anyway, the title probably would give a hint about who appeared in my dream last night. That's right, Matt Damon. THE Matt Damon. I know it is because I saw him on Jimmy Kimmel the other night, but I will take his appearance as awesome anyway.

It was kind of a nice dream. Before falling asleep, I had asked my mind to let me have good dreams because I've been having an awful lot of weird and/or serious dreams lately and it's really been harshing my daytime mellow.

Matt was staying with my mom for a bit. From what I could gather from when I arrived home for a weekend visit, he was having problems with his wife and he was really stressed out and had come to my mom's house for recuperation. (I don't know why....this is dreamland, right??) She was up to the task of feeding him home-cooked comfort food and plying him with tea and warm quilts to wrap up in and watch TV and movies. She also was playing counselor as he talked and talked about his feelings.

When I arrived, my mom and I chatted for a while and we were laughing so hard about something (I don't remember what now, of course) that I actually woke myself up giggling in my sleep, but got right back into the dream. Matt asked about what I had been talking about with my mom and instead of answering his question, it felt right to tell him that I often have dreams where certain celebrities are my friends. Some that make frequent appearances include Conan and Benedict Cumberbatch. He thought this was great because he said it must make me more chill around celebrities (he had noticed that I didn't fuss over him just randomly showing up at my mom's house). I said that sometimes I think that I'll come off too casual and friendly when someone doesn't expect it. He said not to worry about that.

I don't remember much else. It was kind of a neat dream. Of course I used to have a huge crush on Matt Damon in the Finding Forrester days, but now I just have a deep respect for him as an intelligent guy. (I love that one interview clip where he completely shuts down a reporter for asking a dumb question about teachers.)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Not another waitressing dream...

But wait, there's more!

So, I had a night that was all one long dream of waitressing at Bakers Square (a pie restaurant I worked at in university). I haven't had a waitressing dream in a long time and as the dream first started, I remember thinking "oh, no, not this again". Time and time again during the dream I tried to change the outcome and what I did, but it was no use, the dream carried on as it always does: it's a busy night, we are short staffed and customers are being sat at tables that haven't even been properly bussed and many people give up on being served and leave disgruntled. I can't seem to manage to even get drinks out to people, much less take orders and so on.

I really hate those dreams, but thankfully there was a small perk near the end. At the end of my shift, I was outside (presumably) waiting for my ride when out comes two customers that had been one of my tables (but somehow they didn't leave even though I never managed to serve them??). The woman, who I see after a second glance is Amanda Palmer, hands me a t-shirt and says that some days are better than others but that hopefully this would make it better. I open the t-shirt and it has the word "sexpresso" on it and the outline of naked bodies make up the letters. Each letter is a different sexual position. The man with Amanda points at the t-shirt and tells me why it's funny. I see that it is none other than Neil Gaiman. I laugh and tell him that, "yeah, I get it Captain Obvious". He laughs too and he and Amanda walk off.

/end dream

Side notes: It's been a while since I've had a dream with a famous person in it. The dreams I have in my new place are much different than the ones I had at my last house. I wonder about that... Anyway - at least my night of waitressing had a happy ending. Heh.

And lastly, I don't know why, but when I watched Stephen Colbert interview Scarlett Johansson last night on the Late Show, I was ... affected to find out that she lived in France and was, in fact, married to a Frenchman. I don't know why, but it just really has been on my mind since then. Weird.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

I kissed a girl and I liked it.

Though the title of the post might hint at a Katy Perry dream, in fact it was about Hillary Clinton. In the dream (a short and weird one), Every time Hillary is at a campaign speech, a woman kisses her and she looks shocked and blushes. At one of them, it was Michelle Obama. It was as if these women were just doing it to unsettle/get a rise out of her. So weird. Where do these dreams come from??